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L. P. Davies (1914-1988)

Novels   |   Collections   |   Short Fiction


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The Paper Dolls
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1964

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The Artificial Man
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1965

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Man Out of Nowhere
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1965
This book was reprinted in the U.S.A. as Who is Lewis Pinder?.

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Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1966

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The Lampton Dreamers
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1966

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Tell It To The Dead
Published by John Long, 1966
This book was printed under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre and was reprinted in the U.S.A. as The Reluctant Medium under the author's real name.

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Twilight Journey
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1967

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The Nameless Ones
Published by John Long, 1967
This book was printed under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre and was reprinted in the U.S.A. as A Grave Matter under the author's real name.

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Dimension A
Published by Doubleday, 1968

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The Alien
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1968
This book was reprinted as The Groundstar Conspiracy by Sphere Books in 1972, to tie-in with the feature film adaptation of this novel.

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Genesis Two
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1969

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Stranger to Town
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1969

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The White Room
Published by Doubleday, 1969

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Adventure Holidays, Ltd.
Published by Doubleday, 1970

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The Shadow Before
Published by Doubleday, 1970

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Give Me Back Myself
Published by Doubleday, 1971

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What Did I Do Tomorrow?
Published by Barrie & Jenkins, 1972

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Assignment Abacus
Published by Barrie & Jenkins, 1975

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Published by Doubleday, 1976

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The Land of Leys
Published by Herbert Jenkins, 1979

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Morning Walk
Published by Robert Hale, 1983


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Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies
Published by Ramble House, 2021
Edited by David Balfour
This two-volume book assembles all the short stories L. P. Davies contributed to The London Mystery Selection, under his own name and various pseudonyms. Also included is the bonus story "The End Game", which was first published in The Tenth Ghost Book.
Volume One contains the following short stories: "The Way of the East", "The Prisoner", "A Touch of Murder", "The Sight of Blood", "Oasis Incident", "Davey", "The Wall of Time", "No Vacancies", "The Wrong One", "The Idol of Baked Clay", "Infiltrant", "The Crooked Smile", "The Messenger", "The Word of Willy Spender", "The Last Evil", "The Flying Fox", "Blow That Horn", "The Rain-Makers", "Tea-Time", "The Happiest Days ...", "The Story of Leonard Vincent", "Mandragora Sapiens", "Survival", "Frontier", "Mirror Boy", "The Valley", "The Man with No Face", "The Doctor's Story", "The Man Who Lost His Past", "The Gold Plate", "The Morgan Trust", "The Ju-Ju", "After the Great Light", "No School on Friday", "Mr. Always", "The Self-Made Man", "Mrs. Pensum's Statue" and "The Fourth Compartment".
Volume Two contains the following short stories: "The Addict", "Not on Sundays", "The Dream Pedlar", "Dressed to Kill", "The New Life", "Botany Bay", "Members Only", "The Miracle Workers", "Gilda", "Sleeping Beauty", "Time and Again", "The Witch's Daughter", "Mermaid Beach", "The Seventh Man", "The Gate", "The Shadow Before", "Time in Hand", "BT 563", "Death of a Witch", "Bait", "Breaking Point", "The Man Who Liked to Talk", "The Sleeping Man", "The Neighbour", "Weeds", "The Alien", "The Day of the Dog", "Poplar Cottage", "140,000 Red Toadstools", "Sorry, Mr. Hepple", "Think Big", "To Maidy—A Son", "Interference", "The Monsters", "Second Time Round", "The Parasite", "Spare Part", "Number Eighteen", "Jenny" and "The End Game".

Short Fiction

"A Matter of Principle"
John Bull, January 7, 1950 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"Night Watch"
Woman's Journal, July 1953 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"Next Door to a Witch"
Argosy (UK edition), September 1956 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"Run of the Deer"
Argosy (UK edition), July 1959 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"The Way of the East"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 43, December 1959
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Prisoner"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 44, March 1960
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"A Touch of Murder"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 44, March 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leo Berne)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Sight of Blood"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 44, March 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Roses for Breakfast"
Woman's Journal, April 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"Oasis Incident"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 45, June 1960
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 45, June 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Wall of Time"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 45, June 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"No Vacancies"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 45, June 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leo Berne)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Wrong One"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 45, June 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Morgan Evans)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Idol of Baked Clay"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 45, June 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Rowland Welch)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 46, September 1960
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Crooked Smile"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 46, September 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Messenger"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 46, September 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Word of Willy Spender"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 46, September 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Morgan Evans)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Last Evil"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 46, September 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Richard Bridgeman)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Flying Fox"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 46, September 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Lawrence Peters)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Blow That Horn"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Rain-Makers"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Happiest Days ..."
The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym G. K. Thomas)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Story of Leonard Vincent"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Lawrence Peters)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Mandragora Sapiens"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Morgan Evans)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Ian Jefferson)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 47, December 1960 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Richard Bridgeman)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Unknown Factor"
John Creasey Mystery Magazine, February 1961
The Sixth Mystery Bedside Book, ed. John Creasey, Hodder & Stoughton, 1965

"Mirror Boy"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 48, March 1961
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Valley"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 48, March 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Man with No Face"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 48, March 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Doctor's Story"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 48, March 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Ian Jefferson)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Man Who Lost His Past"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 48, March 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym G. K. Thomas)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Gold Plate"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 48, March 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Thomas Philips)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Morgan Trust"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 48, March 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Richard Bridgeman)
Welsh Tales of Terror, ed. R. Chetwynd-Hayes, Fontana, 1973 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Richard Bridgeman)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Ju-Ju"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 49, May 1961
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"After the Great Light"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 49, May 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym G. K. Thomas)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"No School on Friday"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 49, May 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Mr. Always"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 50, September 1961
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Self-Made Man"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 50, September 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Mrs. Pensum's Statue"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 50, September 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Thomas Philips)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Fourth Compartment"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 50, September 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym G. K. Thomas)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume One, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

Today, September 23, 1961

"Voice on the Phone"
Today, No. 87, October 21, 1961

"The Addict"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 51, November 1961
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Not on Sundays"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 51, November 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Richard Bridgeman)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Dream Pedlar"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 51, November 1961 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Tunnel to the Stars"
Today, December 23, 1961

"Dressed to Kill"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 52, March 1962
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The New Life"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 52, March 1962 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym G. K. Thomas)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Artistic License"
Blackwood's Magazine, Vol. 291, No. 1760, June 1962

"Members Only"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 53, June 1962
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Miracle Workers"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 53, June 1962 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Morgan Evans)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Botany Bay"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 53, June 1962 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Thomas Philips)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 54, 1962
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Witch's Daughter"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 54, 1962 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Sleeping Beauty"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 54, 1962 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Time and Again"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 54, 1962 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Morgan Evans)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Seventh Man"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 55, December 1962
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Mermaid Beach"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 55, December 1962 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021
Celtic Weird: Tales of Wicked Folklore and Dark Mythology, ed. Johnny Mains, British Library Publishing, 2022 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)

"Gladys Likes Malcolm"
Today, December 15, 1962

"Flight into Fear"
Today, December 22, 1962

"The Gate"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 56, March 1963
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Shadow Before"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 56, March 1963 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Morgan Evans)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Time in Hand"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 56, March 1963 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"123 Years Young"
Today, March 9, 1963

"BT 563"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 57, June 1963
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Death of a Witch"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 57, June 1963 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Probe Six-Five"
Argosy (UK edition), August 1963

"Breaking Point"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 58, September 1963
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 58, September 1963 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Ultimate Weapon"
Argosy (UK edition), October 1963

"The Man Who Liked to Talk"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 59, December 1963
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Sleeping Man"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 59, December 1963 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Neighbour"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 60, March 1964
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

The London Mystery Selection, No. 60, March 1964 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Plan of the Crime"
The Evening News, April 9, 1964

"Hidden Hands"
Argosy (UK edition), May 1964

"The Day of the Dog"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 61, June 1964
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Alien"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 61, June 1964 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Poplar Cottage"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 62, September 1964
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"140,000 Red Toadstools"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 63, December 1964
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Sorry, Mr. Hepple"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 63, December 1964 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Wings of Song"
Argosy (UK edition), March 1965

"Think Big"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 64, March 1965
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"To Maidy—A Son"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 64, March 1965 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Same Out There"
The Evening News, March 22, 1965

The London Mystery Selection, No. 65, June 1965
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Second Time Round"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 65, June 1965 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Morgan Evans)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Monsters"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 65, June 1965 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Leslie Vardre)
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Parasite"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 66, September 1965
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"One Man and his Dog"
The Evening News, January 25, 1966

"Spare Part"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 69, June 1966
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Number Eighteen"
The London Mystery Selection, No. 70, September 1966
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Tale of the Barber's Second Brother"
Adam Bedside Reader No. 25, October 1966 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"The Peasant's Revenge"
Adam Bedside Reader No. 27, February 1967 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"A Business Proposition"
Adam Bedside Reader No. 28, April 1967 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

The London Mystery Selection, No. 73, May 1967
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"The Tactful Servant"
Adam Yearbook, ed. John R. Gerard, Knight Publishing Corp., 1968 (this story is printed here under the pseudonym Robert Blake)

"An Evening Gone"
Mayfair, Vol. 6, No. 4, April 1971

"Uncle Wallace"
The Evening News, November 15, 1971

"The Journey"
Argosy (UK edition), February 1972

"Arrangements for Murder"
Argosy (UK edition), December 1972

"Love From Lucrezia"
The Evening News, January 20, 1973

Argosy (UK edition), September 1973

"The End Game"
The Tenth Ghost Book, ed. Aidan Chambers, Barrie & Jenkins, 1974
The Bumper Book of Ghost Stories, ed. Aidan Chambers, Pan Books, 1976
Shadows Before: The London Mystery Stories of L. P. Davies, Volume Two, ed. David Balfour, Ramble House, 2021

"Tropic of the Dogs—Where a Town was at War with Itself"
The Evening News, September 21, 1976

Email: marks3789@gmail.com

Copyright © 2024 Richard Simms